Bilateral Agreement Scholarships - Non-EU Mobility
Do you need further details about non-EU mobility? Do you have any questions or doubts about a specific non-EU exchange programme?
Join the info webinars that will take place on the following dates:
- 18 october 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 15 november 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 13 december 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 17 january 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 28 february 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 20 march 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 10 april 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 15 may 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 24 june 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 11 september 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 9 october 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 13 november 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
- 11 december 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
The events from March 2024 are organised with the partnership of Porta Futuro Lazio (see the Flyer of the Webinar in the Downloads section).
In order to join the webinar, you need to register through the Google form here:
The link to the webinar will be sent to all the registered students the day before the event.
You will be allowed to register only at the first webinar available in chronological order.
Notice: The Webinar will take place if at least three participants will join it.
Don't miss it!
Thanks to funding provided by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Sapienza provides Bachelors, Masters and PhD Students (who are not on scholarships) with the opportunity to enjoy a period of studies abroad, either to take exams or work on their theses, in one of over 200 non-EU universities that have bilateral agreements with Sapienza University.
Bilateral mobility agreements between Sapienza University and other universities provide reciprocal advantages both to outgoing and incoming students as neither have to pay any additional tuition fees. Outgoing students will continue to normally pay tuition fees at Sapienza, NOT at the host university. (In some cases, however, there may be a registration fee.)
Promotional events in the Faculties (the schedule of the meetings is always being updated)
On Monday, May 27th, from 11:00 to 12:00, an online meeting was held to present the call for applications for EXTRA-EU MOBILITY GRANTS UNDER BILATERAL AGREEMENTS - REMAINING PLACES, reserved for students of the Architecture faculty for the academic year 2024-2025 (second semester).
The Erasmus Office of the Faculty and the contact persons of the Extra-EU Mobility Unit of Sapienza attended the webinar.
Deadline for online application: 17/06/2024.
Watch the meeting again at the following link:
Come and find out about the non-EU mobility opportunities in Japan available for Oriental Languages and Cultures students - curriculum japanese!
The event will take place in Room 201, Marco Polo Building (Circonvallazione Tiburtina, 4), on Thursday May 9th at 12.
Come and find out about the non-EU mobility opportunities and double degree programs available for the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences!
The event will take place at the Mowe Hall, in the Main Campus (Building CU007), on Wednesday March 27th at 10 am.
To participate, please register here!
The event will be held in Italian and is open to all students of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and is organized in collaboration with Porta Futuro.
On Thursday, March 14th, from 11:00 to 12:00, an online meeting was held to present the call for applications for the EXTRA-EU MOBILITY GRANTS UNDER BILATERAL AGREEMENTS, reserved for students of the Faculty of Architecture for the a.y. 2024-2025. Deadline for online applications: 24/03/2024.
Watch the meeting again at the following link: aqf wAZA 6c
Bilateral mobility calls are managed by individual faculties in accordance with the resolution of the Academic Senate no. 135/2021 and published between October and February of the academic year prior to that of the mobility. You can also find a full listing of all open calls in the "Open Calls" section below.
Please read the call carefully and make sure you fulfil all required requisites, including required language skills.
The list of host universities is available in the "Download" section.
In order to check the list of host universities for each Faculty please see the "List of Active Bilateral Agreements by Faculty" section.
If you want further information on the application procedure and what you need to do before, during and after the mobility, we invite you to watch this video tutorial:
The CLA (University Language Center) organizes language courses dedicated to students selected for an international mobility exchange.
The Internationalization of didactics and non-EU Mobility Unit will send an email to the selected students with instructions for filling out the form to join the courses. Selected students will be able to opt for one of the following languages (according to the official language of the destination country or the teaching language at the host university): English, French, Spanish, Catalan, German or Portuguese. You can check the course calendar and further information on the CLA website:
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @SapienzaStudyAbroad for updates and new opportunities!
List of Active Bilateral Agreements by Faculty
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Statistics
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science
Open Calls
Expired Calls
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Japan: Call [deadline July 23, 2024]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Brazil: Call [deadline July 2, 2024]
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology (Medicine) - Call [deadline July 4, 2024]
Faculty of Architecture - Call [deadline June 17, 2024]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Call [deadline May 15, 2024]
Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science - Call [deadline April 28, 2024]
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences - Call [deadline April 3, 2024]
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology (Psychology): Call [deadline April 3, 2024]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - National Taiwan Normal University, Lingnan University and National Tsing Hua University: Call [deadline March 31, 2024]
Faculty of Architecture - Call [deadline March 24, 2024]
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: Call [deadline March 14, 2024]
Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Statistics: Call [deadline March 7, 2024]
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry: Call [deadline March 5, 2024]
Faculty of Economics: Call [deadline February 19, 2024]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - South Korea: Call [deadline February 8, 2024]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Latin America: Call [deadline January 21, 2024]
Faculty of Law - USA: Call [deadline January 20, 2024]
Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine (Medicine): Call [deadline December 27, 2023]
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology (Psychology): Call [deadline December 4, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - China: Call [deadline November 21, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Brazil: Call [deadline November 21, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - National Taiwan Normal University and Lingnan University : Call [deadline October 1, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Japan: Call [deadline July 18, 2023]
Facolty of Civil and Industrial Engineering - Purdue University: Call [deadline June 8, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - South Korea: Call [deadline March 22, 2023]
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology (Psychology) - Call [deadline March 22, 2023]
Faculty of Economics: Call [deadline March 28, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Latin America: Call [deadline March 31, 2023]
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences - Call [deadline April 3, 2023]
Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science - Call (Communication Science) [deadline April 10, 2023]
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology (Medicine) - Call [deadline May 31, 2022]
Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science - Call [deadline April 20, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - China: Call [deadline March 10, 2023]
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: Call [deadline February 14, 2023]
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Taiwan: Call [deadline February 28, 2023]
Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Statistics: Call [deadline February 28, 2023]
Faculty of Architecture - Call [deadline March 1, 2023]
For a complete archive of past calls, please visit (in Italian)
Learning Agreement and Recognition of Credits
In order to complete your Learning Agreement (whether it concerns exams or thesis research), please contact the agreement coordinator to prepare your study plan while abroad and receive advice on activities you can attend at the host university. A full list of mobility agreement coordinators is available in the download section on the right.
However, please note that Academic Coordinators for International Mobility (RAMs) are responsible for non-EU student mobility. The full list of mobility coordinators for each faculty is available here. The recognition of credits earned abroad is fully guaranteed by the Student Mobility Regulations available here (in Italian).
Starting from a.y 2020-2021 Bilateral mobility scholarships amount to €700/month for the first 5 months of mobility. Starting from the 6th month of mobility the amount is € 500/month, for a minimum period abroad of 90 days (3 months).
The scholarship will correspond to the effective and continuing duration of the mobility, proved by the certificate of arrival and certificate of departure issued by host University and according to the academic calendar and the maximum amount assigned.
Students on mobility periods longer than 3 months will receive the entire monthly installment from the 16thday abroad for every additional month. The days spent abroad will be calculated automatically by the online organizer considering the duration of each month as 30 days.
Students who remain abroad for two consecutive semesters must exceed a period of 9 months and 16 days. Funds will not be allocated for mobility periods of 7-9 months.
Mobility Periods and Funding
Months assigned |
Minimum duration abroad |
Total amount |
3 months |
90 days |
2100€ |
4 months |
3 months e 16 days |
2800€ |
5 months |
4 months e 16 days |
3500€ |
6 months |
5 months e 16 days |
4000€ |
10 months |
9 months e 16 days |
6000€ |
11 months |
10 months e 16 days |
6500€ |
12 months |
11 months e 16 days |
7000€ |
Students can be granted a scholarship only ONCE for each cycle of studies. The scholarship is not cumulable with other grants.
Scholarship Payment
Scholarships are paid to students in two instalments. The first instalment, which amounts to 70% of the scholarship will be accredited to your bank account within 60 days of the signature of the contract. The final instalment will be accredited upon your return. The final instalment will only be accredited when all necessary documentation, as described in the contract, has been submitted and according to the effective duration of the mobility, proved by the certificate of arrival and departure issued by host University.
Students should contact agreement coordinators for all other doubts on academic aspects of their mobility period or the Internationalization of didactics and non-EU Mobility Unit for information on scholarships and any other issues.
Administrative supervisors for non-EU mobility
Claudia Fraschetti
Daniele Ranzino
Luana Girolami
Matteo Di Pasquale
Maria Civita Campobasso
Clara D'Eletto
Daniela De Angelis
Valentina Bellomo
Medical Area
Maria Di Tommaso
Psychology Area
Roberta Ciampini
Francesco Serranò
Chiara Ranieri
[Italian section for academic and technical-administrative staff]
Gestione della mobilità
Per conoscere:
la procedura da seguire relativamente alla pubblicazione di bandi di selezione per la mobilità extra-UE nel quadro degli accordi bilaterali e la consequenziale gestione degli studenti in uscita
le competenze degli uffici e del personale, accademico ed amministrativo, preposto al corretto svolgimento dell’intera procedura
si prega di consultare (pagina in italiano, sezione Allegati):
Le Linee guida per la gestione dei bandi e della mobilità extra-UE in uscita nel quadro di accordi bilaterali
Il manuale operativo del nuovo OAB
Entrambi i manuali sono indirizzati a personale docente e amministrativo e, solo per consultazione, agli studenti.
Sottoscrizione degli accordi bilaterali
Un accordo bilaterale di mobilità studenti è un accordo firmato tra Sapienza Università di Roma e un’istituzione situata di fuori dalla UE e finalizzato allo scambio di studenti di laurea triennale, magistrale e dottorato per motivi di studio e/o ricerca tesi.
La proposta e conseguente negoziazione di un nuovo accordo può essere avviata, per il tramite dell’Area per l’Internazionalizzazione – Settore mobilità extra-UE e accordi didattica internazionale, o da un docente di Sapienza oppure dall’istituzione straniera interessata. Per poter essere firmato, un accordo bilaterale di mobilità studenti è preferibile che abbia un responsabile accademico di riferimento in Sapienza. Non sono accolte richieste di attivazione di accordi bilaterali per la mobilità studenti da parte degli studenti stessi.
L’accordo ha per Sapienza una durata illimitata. Tuttavia, l’istituzione partner può richiedere di specificarne la scadenza, che normalmente varia tra i 3 e i 5 anni.
L’accordo può essere a firma del Preside di Facoltà oppure della Rettrice, a seconda della volontà di ambo le parti, Sapienza ed istituzione partner, di garantire maggiore o minore flessibilità ai flussi di studenti in entrata e in uscita. La firma dell’accordo a livello di Facoltà restringe la mobilità alle discipline di competenza della stessa, mentre la firma a livello di ateneo e, quindi, della Rettrice, favorisce la mobilità degli studenti in entrata ed in uscita per tutte le discipline.
L’accordo di mobilità studenti, i cui modelli a firma del Preside di Facoltà e della Rettrice, sono disponibili nella sezione “Allegati”, può essere firmato anche in assenza di un pre-vigente accordo quadro tra Sapienza e l’istituzione partner, a meno che non sia proprio quest’ultima ad esigere che venga previamente sottoscritto un accordo quadro. In tal caso è necessario avviare la procedura con il Settore Accordi internazionali. Solo contestualmente o successivamente alla conclusione dell’iter per la firma dell’accordo quadro sarà, quindi, possibile sottoscrivere l’accordo di mobilità studenti.
Prima di avanzare una proposta di nuovo accordo si consiglia di verificare l’elenco degli accordi attivi (si veda bacchetta “Candidatura e destinazioni”) e di prendere contatti con il Settore mobilità extra-UE e accordi didattica internazionale per le verifiche di dettaglio.
La sottoscrizione di un accordo di mobilità studenti dà la possibilità agli studenti Sapienza, previa procedura di selezione, di beneficiare di una borsa di studio. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili consultando le Linee Guida per la gestione dei bandi e della mobilità outgoing nel quadro di accordi bilaterali.
Non sono previste borse di studio da parte di Sapienza per gli studenti in entrata dalle istituzioni partner.
Le borse di studio per gli studenti in uscita vengono finanziate in parte grazie al Fondo Giovani, sezione integrante del FFO del MUR, ed in parte grazie a fondi del bilancio di Ateneo. Il MUR, nel calcolare ogni anno l’importo del Fondo Giovani da assegnare al singolo ateneo, si basa sul numero di crediti conseguiti e poi effettivamente riconosciuti allo studente al momento del proprio rientro dal periodo di mobilità all’estero. L’indicatore è pari ad almeno 12 CFU riconosciuti per ciascuno studente.
Attenzione: L’attivazione di un accordo bilaterale di mobilità studenti comporta la gestione degli studenti incoming e outgoing. Si raccomanda la lettura delle FAQ in allegato prima di procedere alla negoziazione.
Academic Programmes and Education Welfare Area
Internationalization of didactics and non-EU Mobility Unit
Head of Unit
Graziella Gaglione
Martina Vizzani
Elisa Tolazzi
T (+39) 06 4969 0423
T (+39) 06 4969 0454
Open to the public by appointment only
Main Campus
Ortopedia Building
(CU016) Third Floor
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Rome