International Office
The Area manages activities aimed at supporting the internationalization of the University, and in particular:
- promotes the internationalization of research through support for participation in European and international research projects, with particular attention to the EU Research and Development Framework Program and support for the reception of Visitor Professors;
- promotes students international mobility, promoting their participation in many European and International programmes;
- Promotes the international mobility of researchers, professors and administrative staff, also thanks to diting and pianification suport activities;
- Encourages the stipulation of bilateral agreements aimed at promoting cultural and scientific collaborations with academic institutions in other countries;
- promotes the participation of professors and researchers in the development cooperation programmes and projects through institutional funding as well as the dissemination of information about European and international calls;
- organises international meetings and seminars and manages of the reception, in collaboration with the ceremonial offices, of delegations of teachers and students from all over the world;
- supports the participartion of the University in inter-university networks, creating collabotations that promote the exchange of good practices and the implementation of joint initiatives;
The framework of activities for internationalization is illustrated in the Annual Reports, available in the download section on the right
The Area is structured into two offices:
International Office
Maria Ester Scarano
Executive Secretary
Claudia Silvaggi
T. (+39) 06 4991 0789
Nathalie Isabelle Lusi
Spoken Languages
Palazzina Tumminelli (CU007) - II Piano
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Roma
Palazzina Tumminelli
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
(CU007) II Piano
, RM