It is possible for one academic year to attend single courses (hereinafter referred to as 'single courses') run by Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, take the relevant exams and receive a regular certificate, including an indication of the ECTS obtained. The cases in which it is possible to enrol in single courses are listed below:

1.    For personal cultural enhancement and integration of professional skills. In this case, enrolment is only possible in courses activated in non-restricted access bachelor’s degrees or master's degrees. The following candidates may enrol:

a.    persons who are not enrolled in a university degree programme either at Sapienza University of Rome or at any other university (in this case only, up to two single courses per academic year may be attended);

b.    students enrolled in postgraduate degree programmes at Sapienza University of Rome (PhDs, Specialisation Programmes, Advanced Professional Courses) with the prior authorisation of the respective educational bodies;

c.     students enrolled in other Italian universities;

d.    students enrolled at international universities, subject to verification and approval by the competent consular authorities.

2.    To achieve the curricular requirements (exams and ECTS) required for admission to Master's degree programmes at Sapienza University of Rome (for the current or following academic year).

In such cases, enrolment is allowed in an unlimited number of courses of any bachelor’s and single-cycle master’s degree programme, including restricted access programmes, only after carrying out the entry requirements assessment. Enrolment is open to:

a.    graduates from Sapienza University of Rome and other Italian and international universities.

b.    graduand students from other Italian universities, subject to authorisation by competent educational bodies.

Regular certification of exams taken as a single course will be available on Infostud and will be issued only after enrolment in the Master's degree programme.

Exams taken as a single course cannot constitute grounds for requesting a programme shortening and cannot form part of the study plan of the degree programme to which the candidate is enrolling.

Exams taken cannot form part of the first-cycle degree programme and are not taken into account for calculating the average mark.

3. To fulfil requirements for admission to Specialisation Schools or public competitions.

In this case, applicants may also enrol in an unlimited number of courses that are run in restricted access bachelor’s or master's degrees, provided that they comply with the compulsory attendance requirement, if any. Enrolment is open to:

a.    graduates from Sapienza University of Rome and other Italian and international universities.

b.    graduands at other Italian universities, subject to authorisation by competent educational bodies.

The certificates of the exams taken in single courses will be available on Infostud

4.    To take two exams of a Sapienza Master's degree programme in advance (non-restricted access programme) to which the candidate wishes to enrol in the academic year 2023-2024.

This option is only available to Sapienza graduates: in this case, it is only possible to enrol in courses activated in non-restricted access Master's degrees and subject to authorisation by the Degree Programme Board. The application must be sent by email to the Programme Coordinator of the degree programme using the "Anticipo esami della laurea magistrale" (Master's Degree Exam Advancement) form available in the Downloads section of the Student Forms page on the University website.

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Before applying to sit exams in advance, it is advisable to check with the educational body whether the courses are actually valid for the following academic year.

Within 15 days of payment of the first instalment, a stamped application for recognition of exams taken must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office. Recognition can only take place if applicants meet the admission requirements for the Master's degree programme to which the exams taken pertain.

The application must be sent by e-mail to the Student Affairs Office using the "Domanda/Istanza” form available in the Downloads section of the Student Forms page on the University website.

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5.    Costs. All those wishing to attend single courses at Sapienza University of Rome, who hold an Italian or international qualification, even if they are holders of government grants, must pay for every single course as tuition fees:

  • the sum of €360 for the single courses specified in points 1 and 3;
  • the sum of 100 euros for the single courses specified in points 2 and 4;

6.    Exemptions from tuition fees. The following categories are exempt from single courses tuition fees:

  • students with disabilities and Specific Learning Difficulties as referred to in Articles 23 and 24 of these Regulations (Board of Governors resolution of October 28, 2021);
  • students enrolled in Sapienza University of Rome inter-university bachelor’s degrees and master's degrees, including those enrolled at partner universities, who enrol on single courses in order to acquire the credits allowed within the optional credits for students, with the exception of online degree programmes;
  • students who are enrolled at international universities and who request enrolment in single courses within the framework of international mobility programmes and agreements governed by reciprocity conditions.

7.    When and how to apply. There are no deadlines for applying.

The application must be made on the Infostud system after contacting one's own Educational Affairs Office to request the name and code of the course(s) and the name and code of the degree programme providing it and to obtain prior authorisations. Following the application, the system will generate the tuition fee payment on Infostud. After carrying out the appropriate checks, the Student Affairs Office will enable students to book exams, such procedure will always be done through the Infostud system.

8.    Deadline to sit the exam. The exam for the single course must be taken within the academic year of the application. Otherwise, the tuition fees paid cannot be reimbursed. In the event that the student does not sit the exam by January 31, 2024, a stamped application must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office to request to sit the exam in the following academic year. The application can only be accepted if the Student Affairs Office has received confirmation from the Educational Affairs Office that the course is included in the educational plan for 2024-2025.

9.    Applicants residing abroad.

Non-EU citizens legally resident abroad must submit a pre-enrolment application for single courses through the Universitaly platform by November 30, 2023.


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