Opening of the new Sapienza academic year in Rieti
Sapienza for energy saving and sustainable lifestyles (February 16 - 21 )
Young cancer patients from the Gaza Strip arrive at Ciampino
Massimo Luciani among the four judges elected to the Constitutional Court
Sapienza and the Municipality of Latina: agreement for the management of the former Bank of Italy and Garage Ruspi
Second Call Sapienza Volunteer (deadline March 10)
Call Theatron 2025 (deadline March 10)
Francesco Valdiserri Prizes for dissertations and short films
Sapienza Call for Academic Entrepreneurship Initiatives (deadline February 28) )
Universal Civil Service - Call (deadline February 18, 2025)
CIVIS presents TRACEE, the Master’s Programme in Transdisciplinary Studies of Climate, Environment, and Energy (infoday February 14)
Sustainability Sciences: Registration open for all students (deadline February 28, 2025)
Dock Startup Lab - new edition (deadline March 14)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships: 13 grants for Sapienza
The Italian network of Unesco Chairs celebrates the fifth International Day of Education with Minister Bernini
MUR-CRUI: 100 scholarships for university students holding international protection
Invitalia MasterClass on defining innovative and sustainable business models (February 12, 19 e 26 )
ISI Research Awards
Fondo italiano per la scienza Call 2024-2025 published
Rome Technopole
Academic and technical-administrative staff disciplinary unit
Agreement renewed for Sapienza University's Prison Campus
Urgent appeal for Ahmadreza Djalali
Campi Flegrei: scoperta una delle eruzioni più potenti della loro storia
The sound of a horse's hooves in motion is all about rhythm
Muscle rigidity in Parkinson's disease: the effects of levodopa, the most effective drug for treating the disease's motor symptoms
How did the Apennines form? An innovative approach to the study of sediments makes it possible to reconstruct the evolution of the mountain range
Evento CINI Sapienza Accredia
Intelligenza Artificiale e libero arbitrio: amicizie tra i saperi
Cerimonia di conferimento del titolo di Ambasciatrice Sapienza alla prof.ssa Luigia Carlucci Aiello
Sapienza Università di Roma_Archivio fotografico ha postato una foto:
Giornata per celebrare Luigia Carlucci Aiello, lunedì 30 settembre 2024, Aula magna del Rettorato, foto Stefania Sepulcri (stampa e comunicazione)
© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002
Evento CINI Sapienza Accredia
Intelligenza Artificiale e libero arbitrio: amicizie tra i saperi
Cerimonia di conferimento del titolo di Ambasciatrice Sapienza alla prof.ssa Luigia Carlucci Aiello
Sapienza Università di Roma_Archivio fotografico ha postato una foto:
Giornata per celebrare Luigia Carlucci Aiello, lunedì 30 settembre 2024, Aula magna del Rettorato, foto Stefania Sepulcri (stampa e comunicazione)