Study Abroad


Please note that the mobility offices are now in building CU016 (Ortopedia), third floor.


Sapienza offers its students numerous opportunities for study, research and internships abroad: in and outside Europe, for short stays or longer periods, dissertations abroad, and much more.

During your study pathway, you can spend a training period at a Sapienza partner university or a foreign company in over 60 countries worldwide, up to a maximum of 12 months per study cycle. You can attend courses, take examinations, do an internship or research for a disseration that will be fully recognised in your academic career without extending the duration of your pathway.

To this end, you will receive a financial contribution; in some cases, there are also additional resources for students with fewer opportunities. On this page, you will find an overview of these opportunities and can choose the one that best suits your expectations. Click on the links to find out more!

Whichever path you choose, remember that:

1. You must know the language used for teaching by the university where you will study or the language used by the company where you will work, which is not always the country's language. Many universities offer courses in English.

2. The Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) organises language tests from September to February 2023 (link - In Italian). Check whether passing the test is compulsory for the programme you are interested in.

3. Depending on the programme, you must have passed a minimum number of credits or have a minimum grade average, etc. Always check the requirements in the Calls.

4. Prepare the documents for the recognition of credits earned abroad in advance, following the instructions in the Call.


Study and Research 

Mobility for study means attending courses, passing exams at the foreign university of destination, and earning credits to be subsequently recognised by Sapienza.

Mobility for dissertation research involves the possibility of carrying out research to prepare your dissertation at the foreign university of destination, with the award of credits to be recognised by Sapienza. 

Combining study and dissertation research in the same mobility period is possible.

Other opportunities


Altri bandi:

  • Digital Opportunity Traineeship, an initiative launched by the European Commission to reduce e-skills shortages and inadequacies
  • Vulcanus, for students from science and technical faculties who are offered the opportunity of an internship at a Japanese company
  • Coasit (in Italian) for newly graduates in the humanities who are offered a study grant for Italian language assistantships at an Australian school
  • EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) - The EURES TMS puts participating candidates in touch with the employer offering employment, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunities and supports them throughout the recruitment process by providing financial allowances and personalised advice.

CIVIS - A European Civic University

Civis is a projects financied by the European Commission within the European Universities programme. The new European university brings together 450,000 students and 65,000 academics and technical-administrative staff. 

CIVIS, Europe’s Civic University Alliance is the European University alliance including, in addition to Sapienza:

Free University of Brussels
University of Tübingen
Autonomous University of Madrid
Aix-Marseille Université,
National Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of Bucharest
University of Stockholm

CIVIS stands for transnational collaboration of civic universities, with a strong connection to the social and geographical context, promoting multilingualism and European cultural diversity. 

Recognition of activities carried out abroad

For the recognition of credit mobility, all credits earned during a study period abroad or during a virtual mobility - as agreed in the Learning Agreement (LA) and confirmed by the Transcript of Records (ToR) - are recognised as transferred and used in full for the award of the degree, without requiring the student to undertake any further learning activity or test.

The definition of Credits (Credito Formativo universitario CFU) given in DM 270/04 is based, like ECTS credits, on learning time (rather than teaching) and learning outcomes (rather than curriculum content), understood not only as knowledge but also as skills.

EU Erasmus:

Erasmus/Extra-EU bilateral agreements (in Italian):

Teaching and training

Sapienza offers its lecturers and researchers the opportunity to spend exchange periods at foreign universities thanks to the Erasmus+ programme and the CIVIS alliance.

Programme's objectives are:

  • to offer opportunities for professional updating and growth
  • enrich the range and content of courses;
  • to promote the exchange of skills and experiences on teaching methodologies.



Technical and administrative staff

The Erasmus+ Programme supports all European education and training initiatives, including the "Staff Mobility for Training" programme. It is an important professional training opportunity for technical and administrative staff who will be spending a short time at a  higher education institution in one of the programme countries or a company.

Staff Mobility is either a period of shadowing to be carried out independently in offices similar to those of the employee's own or training events organised by other European universities on topics relevant to the employee's work. The objective is to transfer expertise and acquire practical skills and good practices.



© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002