Bandiera della pace

Bridges not walls. The Academic Senate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The Academic Senate opened its meeting on November 9 with a minute's silence and expressed its intention to carry out further actions in favour of student communities affected by the war

On November 9, 2023, Sapienza's Senate opened its session with a minute's silence in memory of the victims - children, women and men, Israeli and Palestinian - of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

The Academic Senate emphasised, once again, that the University's role is to build bridges and not walls, and, in line with what was said at the Board of Governors meeting on October 24, approved the Crui motion, already published on our website, calling for a rapid end to the war. The Senate also expressed its intention to carry out further actions, in addition to those already undertaken, in favour of the student communities of our University affected by the conflict.


Friday, 10 November 2023

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