International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm., for the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women", the final event of the training course in "Cultures against Gender Violence: a transdisciplinary approach" will be held remotely.
The Rector Eugenio Gaudio, the Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities Elena Bonetti, the elected Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Antonella Polimeni, the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication Tito Marci, the director of the Department of Communication and Social Research, Alberto Marinelli, and the director of the course, Giovanna Gianturco will open the event and greet the participants.
Speakers are Valeria Valente, President of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into femicide, as well as into all forms of gender-based violence, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, actress and film producer; Vladimir Luxuria, politician and activist for LGBTQ+ rights and Giovanni Brancato, educational coordinator of the course