NaturaShare - Finding nature in the CIVIS cities
Explore, discover and share the biodiversity of your city! NaturaShare is a Europe-wide BioBlitz that will be launched across the CIVIS territories. We're getting started with a coordinated Citizen Data Collection Week from 17 to 24 June 2022.
Bioblitz is the term used for an event that focuses on finding as many natural species (fauna and flora) as possible in a short period of time and a specific geographical area. The NaturaShare project is participatory and open to all: city residents, vegetable gardeners, naturalists, families, students, teachers, and researchers.
NaturaShare is a Citizen Science activity: the aim is to involve the public in scientific research and thus bring together science and society as a whole in an impactful way.
Start the adventure, find urban agriculture spaces in your city, download the iNaturalist app and click on the NaturaShare project to send your shots. Explore, discover and share biodiversity with CIVIS universities.