Sapienza Open Lab
On Tuesday, December 15, at 11.00 am, the Saperi&Co Research and Service Centre will present the Open Labs for WP3 promoted within the CIVIS Alliance and dedicated to the themes of Sustainability and Life Science
Its objective is to identify and support, through a specific call, multi-stakeholder projects with a local vocation and potential for international scalability to be implemented in about 12 months with initial funding of about 3,000 euro. The main topics are sustainable mobility, renewable energy sources, agri-food, culture and heritage, inclusion.
Projects should also address one or more of the following cross-cutting themes: service-learning, open science, Millennium Development Goals and digital transformation.
Several relevant stakeholders from the business world, associations and civil society will participate in the webinar.
The call for projects is scheduled for January 2021, with activities starting in March.