“Teatro delle migrazioni” Theatre Festival
On July 12, 13 and 14, 2022, the Nuovo Teatro Ateneo will be hosting the first "Teatro delle migrazioni" Festival with theatre companies and associations of actors and performers from non-European countries.
During the three days, from 5 to 8 pm, the shows "Abitare il ritorno", "Agaish", "Rebus. Short and Extraordinary Tales", "OIDA", "PATER" will be presented. From the primary traumatic essence of migration to the opportunities offered by encountering different cultures, told by those who have experienced it first-hand.
Book at: https://bit.ly/festivalteatromigrazioni
For information: ufficioprorettori@uniroma1.it
FPP2 face mask mandatory.
Click on the Italian version of this article for more information.