Research Quality Assessment 2020 - 2024
The Ministry of University and Research published, on Oct. 31, 2023, the final Call for Proposal Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) 2020-2024 - Decree No. 8 (the call for consultation had been published on Sept. 25, 09) preceded by the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) 2020-2024 - DM 998 published on Aug. 01, 23.
Universities, with reference to the structures under evaluation (Departments), will have to confer a number of research products to be evaluated equal to an average of 2.5 per researcher (possibly rounded to the lower integer), and each researcher will have to confer at least 1 product (subject to any exemptions).
The first activity, according to the timetable defined in the ANVUR Notice, will take place from Dec. 18, 2023 to Apr. 30, 2024, and will be related to the establishment of the Groups of Evaluation Experts (GEVs).
The delivery of the products is scheduled for the first two months of 2025, while the conclusion of the evaluation process is scheduled for 03/31/2026, with the publication of the results.
Universities and their internal articulations i.e. Departments will be evaluated.
The following will be evaluated:
the research products belonging to the categories of scientific publications specified in the ANVUR Call for Papers authored by the Universities' research staff;
the knowledge enhancement activities;
the extent of international projects of a competitive nature.
Settore Catalogo prodotti della ricerca e valutazione
Capo Settore
Monica Mignucci
T (+39) 06 4991 0478
Irene Bongioanni
+(39) 064991 0332
Laura Gobbo
+(39) 064991 0321
Alice Moroni
+(39) 064991 0192
Città Universitaria
Palazzo del Rettorato
Mezzanino piano superiore
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