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Academic Senate unanimously condemns destruction of Sapienza's red bench

The Academic Senate expresses its strong condemnation and indignation following the destruction, by a few individuals, of the red bench against gender-based violence, donated by AS Roma and inaugurated on the Main Campus together with the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri

The Academic Senate unanimously supports the strong condemnation and feelings of indignation expressed by the Rector following the destruction on December 11, by some individuals including some from outside the University, of the red bench against gender-based violence, donated by AS Roma and inaugurated on the Main Campus together with the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri 

The Senate is proud of the concrete and symbolic actions that have been carried out by Sapienza in the last three years to combat violence against women, promote gender equality and build an educating community inside and outside the University. Action such as the Centro Antiviolenza open to all citizens, psychological counselling, creation of safe zones where support and guidance can be found, a new code of conduct in the fight against sexual harassment, the non-mandatory appointment of a Confidential Counsellor and many more.

The Senate also welcomed the Rector's proposal to place a new red bench, also donated by AS Roma, to launch a fundraising campaign to buy more to place around the University, and to distribute a form to the whole community to collect thoughts and reflections on what happened.


Wednesday, 13 December 2023

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