CIVIS: 11 steps towards a Joint European Degree
In a recent position paper, the CIVIS Alliance stresses the importance of taking into account the outcomes of pilot projects supporting the design and development of a European degree (such as the SMARTT project) and of using their results and products in the creation of a coherent implementation process in cooperation with European university alliances and Member States.
In order to establish a cohesive and effective system to facilitate the development, recognition and quality assurance of joint degree programmes within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), CIVIS identifies 11 preliminary recommendations to guide the discussions and implementation processes of a Joint European degree:
- Harmonisation with existing policies and frameworks:
- Quality assurance and accreditation standards:
- Transparency:
- Flexible yet structured framework
- Digitalisation and technological integration
- Funding and incentives
- Enhanced mobility and cooperation
- Inclusivity and accessibility
- Data collection and research:
- Stakeholder engagement and feedback
- Promotion and awareness campaigns
The forthcoming European Commission Communication on a Common European Title is welcomed. A structured and open dialogue with policy makers and stakeholders at all levels is needed as an essential step to fully integrate the results of the pilot process. Such a policy initiative can be fully endorsed and supported if it reflects the shared vision of a broad academic community and the objectives of a strong EHEA.