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EU funds MOSBRI project for molecular biophysics

The European Union has awarded a 5 million euro grant for research infrastructures to the MOSBRI Project within the Horizon 2020 INFRAIA call. The MOSBRI Project is a consortium of 2 companies and 13 academic centres of excellence from 11 different European countries, aimed at strengthening molecular biophysics research. Sapienza University is represented by the Department of Biochemical Sciences, coordinated by Francesca Cutruzzolà

The European Union has awarded a 5 million euro grant for research infrastructures to the MOSBRI Project (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure), within the Horizon 2020 INFRAIA call. The MOSBRI Project is a consortium of 2 companies and 13 academic centres of excellence from 11 different European countries, coordinated by the Pasteur Institute in Paris, aimed at strengthening molecular biophysics research. Sapienza University is represented by the Department of Biochemical Sciences, coordinated by Francesca Cutruzzolà.

Molecular biophysics makes it possible to study the architecture, dynamics and interactions of the molecules of life (proteins, DNA, RNA, polysaccharides, lipids) through measurements of their physical properties. To decipher these systems' complexity, a multifaceted approach based on a variety of distinct biophysical methods is indispensable. Molecular biophysics studies are crucial for understanding how living organisms work and for developing strategies to block or enhance the function of these complex macromolecules, also for therapeutic purposes.

The MOSBRI project will create a scientifically integrated and geographically distributed research infrastructure, combining advanced instrumentation and the expertise of individual partner laboratories, to answer a wide variety of life science research questions. Thanks to European support, access to the consortium's cutting-edge biophysical technologies and an unprecedented range of expertise will be available free of charge to all European researchers in academia and industry.

Sapienza University participates in the project with the infrastructures located in the Department of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli"; Sapienza scientific coordinator is Francesca Cutruzzolà, who is in charge of the group working on the dissemination of the results and the advanced educational aspects of the project.

MOSBRI will ensure optimal use of advanced biophysical techniques and promote joint developments, further stimulating the advancement of knowledge and technology. The project will also disseminate its know-how through an ambitious programme of seminars and training sessions, particularly suitable for early-career researchers and others new to the field.

MOSBRI will therefore play an important role in maintaining Europe's leadership in the rapidly evolving research and development of molecular biophysics, which lies at the crossroads of a variety of disciplines and is therefore crucial for cell, molecular and structural biology, biochemistry, but also biomedicine and biotechnology.

The consortium will be operational as of July 1, 2021.

For more information, please visit the official website or email contact@mosbri.eu.

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Wednesday, 17 March 2021

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