murales per la pace alla Sapienza

Sapienza for peace. Lazio universities together against the war in Ukraine

On March 2 the Universities of Lazio demonstrated for peace at Sapienza's Main Campus

On March 2, at Sapienza University's Main Campus, students, lecturers, and staff of the Universities of Lazio came together for peace, democracy and solidarity and firmly protested against the war in Ukraine

Muralist Paolo Gojo created a piece of art in front of the Minerva statue with the Latin phrase "Si vis pacem, para utique pacem" (if you want peace, prepare for peace).

Speakers included Rector Antonella Polimeni, the President of the Conferenza dei Rettori delle università del Lazio Stefano Ubertini, the Ukrainian student Anna Mosychuk, student rep in the Academic Senate Claudia Caporusso, philosophy student Thomas Lemaire, and Community of Sant'Egidio’s student Giulia Ricca.

After the demonstration, the Rectorate building's Aula Magna hosted a meeting coordinated by Umberto Gentiloni, Contemporary History lecturer at Sapienza University, with insights and thoughts on the current situation in Ukraine.

Sapienza students Anastasiia Baranovska (Computer Science), Taras Kotsur (Political Science and International Relations), and Anna De Marchi (Philosophy), Mario Caramitti, Contemporary History lecturer at the University of Naples Federico II, Sapienza lecturers Andrea Graziosi (Slavistics), Olena Ponomareva (Ukrainian Language and Literature and linguistic expert), Luigi Marinelli (Polish language and literature), Oxana Pachlovska (Ukrainian language and literature) online from Kyiv, Barbara Ronchetti (Russian language and literature), Julia Nikolaeva (Russian language and literature), Adriano Roccucci, lecturer of Contemporary History at Roma Tre University, and the Ukrainian Erasmus student Katia took the floor after the opening greetings. 

Rewatch the event 


Monday, 28 February 2022

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