Award Horizon Europe call

2024 Award Horizon Europe call (in Italian) issued on December 15. 


Sapienza University promotes participation in Horizon Europe, the main EU programme for Research and Innovation for the 2021-27 period.

The call aims at awarding a prize for Horizon Europe collaborative project proposals that have already been positively evaluated by the European Commission, even though they have not received funding.

It is open to applicants who have served as scientific coordinators or scientific supervisors on behalf of Sapienza in Horizon Europe collaborative project proposals.

Applicants are eligible if, at the time of the deadline of this call, they are employed at Sapienza University in one of the following capacities: Full Professor, Associate Professor, Researcher with an open-ended or fixed-term contract, Research Fellow, PhD student.

The Award is a financial contribution, the amount of which, per individual grant application, is defined as follows:

  • Project Coordinator: up to 50,000.00 euros and in any case not more than 5% of the amount of funding requested by the Sapienza research unit within the Horizon Europe project proposal and/or 1% of the total amount of funding requested for the project proposal itself, even if combined.
  • Scientific supervisor: up to 25,000.00 euros and in any case not more than 5% of the amount of funding requested by the Sapienza research unit within the Horizon Europe project proposal.

The winner can use the funding to cover the costs of research activities, preferably aimed at preparing new Horizon Europe project proposals.

The application may be submitted starting from January 12, 2022 and no later than 2 pm on October 25, 2024 exclusively online at

For information, please call us at 064991 0188 - 0183 - 0322 or email us at

Grant Office

Head of Unit

Emanuele Gennuso
+39 06 4991 0188


Daniele Bruschi 
+39 06 4991 0322

Fausta Zurlo
+39 06 4991 0183 


Rectorate Building - (CU001 Building)
Piano mezzanino - Stanza 9

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome , RM , Italia

Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 - Roma Italy

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