Catalogo IRIS

IRIS Support

Catalogo dei prodotti della ricerca di Ateneo

IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) is our university's catalogue of research products with a dual purpose:

  • systematically collect Sapienza's scientific production for ministerial evaluations (Research Quality Assessment - VQR, National Scientific Qualification - ASN, PhD courses validation, etc.) and University evaluations (bonuses, salary increases, etc.);
  • promote open access to research products.

IRIS is the unique tool that every lecturer must use to enter data on the products they have authored, automatically updating the loginMIUR-Cineca database.

Product entries of typologies eligible for the national scientific qualification (ASN) are subject to validation by the University library staff. These typologies are highlighted with an asterisk in the "Albero delle tipologie" available in the right-hand menu.

In each department, there is at least one "referente IRIS", who can provide support on how to include the products in the catalogue and at least one "validatore IRIS", who can provide clarify the validation procedure. For further information, please click on the documents available in the right-hand menu.


Strategic Research Projects and Evaluation Office

Head of Office
Andrea Riccio
+(39) 06 4991 0106


Research Product Catalogue and Evaluation Unit

Head of Unit
Monica Mignucci
T (+39) 06 4991 0478


Irene Bongioanni
+(39) 064991 0332

Laura Gobbo
+(39) 064991 0321

Michele Marasco
+(39) 064991 0872

Alice Moroni
+(39) 064991 0192


Rectorate Building

Mezzanine upper floor

room 2 (Head of Office)
rooms 6 -7 (Unit)

Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 - Roma Italia

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002