Sapienza Research Infrastructure
Sapienza is actively pursues an investment policy aimed at the establishment and development of a University Infrastructure, comprising laboratories with large and medium-sized equipment, to support research, innovation and technology transfer activities.
Sapienza Research Infrastructure is organised as a technological platform to support businesses, share technology resources and skills, collaborate and support growth, and update and internationalise processes with a strong multidisciplinary vocation, as established by the regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) and the National Industry 4.0 Plan.
In order to develop Sapienza Reasearch Infrastructure, each year Sapienza promotes a call for proposals - addressed to its own professors and researchers - for the purchase of Medium and Large scientific equipment. To monitor the use of such research infrastructures, scientific managers are invited each year to fill out a form (in Italian).
Please click on - Ricerc@Sapienza (in Italian) and Infrastrutture di Ricerca (Italian and English) for all Sapienza research infrastructures financed since 2015.