Sapienza-Rome Technopole for research internationalisation

The aim of the Sapienza-Rome Technopole call for proposals is to finance activities for the internationalisation of research through the creation of international networks and the production of Proof of Concepts (prototypes of devices and/or technologies, etc.) to be developed within the Rome Technopole Joint Labs coordinated by Sapienza research groups.

The call for proposals is divided into two funding lines:

  • Line 1: research activities within the themes of the Flagship Projects of interest of the Rome Technopole Project, involving the creation of international networks composed, in addition to Sapienza, of at least 2 other international partners;
  • Line 2: creation of Proof of Concepts (prototypes of devices and/or technologies) to be developed within the Rome Technopole Joint Labs, coordinated by Sapienza research groups, promoting technological areas in line with the themes of the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - ESFRI.

The application may be submitted by a Principal Investigator - PI, who is eligible, for the purposes of the selection procedure, if they are employed at Sapienza with one of the following qualifications at the time of the deadline of this call:

  1. Full Professor or Associate Professor;
  2. Researcher with an open-ended contract, fixed-term contract and equivalent personnel (the latter in possession of a Rectoral Decree equating them to researchers).

The total budget for this selection procedure is €1,500,000.00, of which €500,000.00 is earmarked for Line 1 funding and €1,000,000.00 for Line 2 funding.

The application must be submitted by the PI no later than 14:00 on September 20, 2024.

More information, call, forms and contacts on the Italian version of this page.

Grant Office International Collaborative Programmes

Head of Unit

Emanuele Gennuso
+39 06 4991 0188


Ilaria Anglani
+39 06 4991 0183 

Maria Cristina Pierazzi
+39 06 4991 0373 


Palazzina Tumminelli - (Building CU007)
2nd floor - Room 212

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Roma , RM , Italia

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002