GALAXIA - The National Technology Transfer Aerospace Hub

Galaxia is the National Technology Transfer Hub on Aerospace, designed to tangibly boost the development of start-ups conceived in research laboratories specialising in the Aerospace field. Galaxia was created by CDP VENTURE CAPITAL SGR in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome and the Politecnico di Torino, with the participation of other leading Italian universities.

The hub will focus on the different fields of aerospace applications: from upstream solutions - such as thrusters, rockets and satellites, suborbital spacecraft, telemetry tools and technologies for mission control centres - to downstream solutions - remote sensing technologies for Earth observation, satellite communication and navigation technologies and integrated applications of satellite navigation systems for specific purposes - as well as on enabling technologies and the transfer of key technologies from space to ground (spin-out) and from ground to space (spin-in).

Click on the Italian version of this page for more information.

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