Promoting Outreach agreements

A new format (in Italian) for institutional Outreach Agreements (Accordi istituzionali di Terza Missione) has been approved, complementing the Research ones (link on the right).
Such agreements can cover all areas of the Terza Missione, such as, for instance, the fight against inequality and social inclusion, health and well-being, women's empowerment/capacity building, sustainability and access opportunities to scientific and humanistic knowledge.
For more details and forms, please visit the Italian version of this page. 

Outreach and Technology Transfer Area

Outreach Office

Outreach Agreements and Partnerships Unit


Manuela Scoma
(+39) 06 4991 0302

Cesare De Angelis
(+39) 06 4991 0333


Palazzo Tumminelli
Secondo piano - stanza 204

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002