- Per la valutazione dei titoli non è prevista la presenza dei candidati. - Per la prova orale verrà pubblicato sul sito web del dottorato, insieme alla graduatoria degli ammessi, il calendario dei colloqui.
The priority objective of the PhD programme is the scientific training of scholars of art history from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age, endowed with a broad general knowledge and in possession of a high professional qualification in all the disciplinary sectors in which art-historical research is active today, with the aim of bringing doctoral students up to a level that will allow them to be employed in national and international research institutions. In the methodological field, the training course aims to stimulate in the future PhD students the ability to conduct historical-philological, iconographic-iconological and archaeological-structural investigations, as well as to deal with the critical reading and interpretation of historical sources and documents, from the Latin Middle Ages and Byzantium up to the contemporary age. Doctoral students will also be encouraged to approach individual study topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim of the doctoral course is also to bring the students into dialogue and confrontation with the world of the art-historical professions, especially those in which scientific research is the necessary basis for their performance and for which the title of PhD is a necessary or preferential requirement for access.
Giorno: 13/9/2022 Ora: 08:30 Aula: Aula della sezione Storia dell'arte Indirizzo: Sapienza Università di Roma, piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia - Dipartimento SARAS, sezione Storia dell'arte
Giorno: 29/8/2022
MANUELA GIANANDREA (manuela.gianandrea@uniroma1.it)