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Double, Multiple and Joint Degrees


Do you need further details about non-EU mobility and Double Degree? Do you have any questions or doubts about a specific non-EU exchange programme? 

Join the info webinars that will take place on the following dates:

  • 18 october 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 15 november 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 13 december 2023 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 17 january 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 28 february 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 20 march 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 10 april 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 15 may 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 24 june 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 11 september 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 9 october 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 13 november 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English
  • 11 december 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in Italian, at 2.30 p.m. in English 

The events from March 2024 are organised with the partnership of Porta Futuro Lazio (see the Flyer of the Webinar in the Downloads section).

In order to join the webinar, you need to register through the Google form here: at least 2 days before the event. 

The link to the webinar will be sent to all the registered students the day before the event. 

You will be allowed to register only at the first webinar available in chronological order. 

Notice: The Webinar will take place if at least three participants will join it.

Don't miss it!

Promotional events in the Faculties (the schedule of the meetings is always being updated)


Come and find out about the non-EU mobility opportunities and double degree programs available for the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences!

The event will take place at the Mowe Hall, in the Main Campus (Building CU007), on Wednesday March 27th at 10 am.

To participate, please register here!

The event will be held in Italian and is open to all students of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and is organized in collaboration with Porta Futuro (see the poster of the event in the Download section).

Sapienza University organises double, multiple or joint degree programmes with other foreign universities. The degree programme allows participating students to complete part of their university career abroad and obtain a degree recognised in two countries.  

Here the main features distinguishing double, multiple or joint title programmes:
  • mobility: students attend part of their career at Sapienza and part at the foreign universities involved (achieving at least 30 CFUs)
  • exemption from the payment of tuition fees at the foreign university
  • full recognition of activities carried out abroad (in line with the integrated study plan already drawn up and agreed with the foreign universities and with Sapienza's regulation on international mobility - available here, in Italian)
  • attainment, at the end of the course, of a double degree (one from Sapienza and one from the foreign partner university) or a multiple degree (one from Sapienza and at least two others from two foreign partner universities) or a joint degree (a single degree awarded by Sapienza and at least one partner university).
Each year, the Course Catalogue indicates which degree programmes run international programmes, i.e. inclusive programmes of double, multiple or joint degrees or inter-university courses. 
Double, multiple or joint degree programmes are ideal opportunities for anyone interested in working in an international context. Students can benefit from different contexts and acquire transversal skills: a specific added value essential for international profiles ready to face global challenges.

List of agreements

Available here or in the "Downloads" section (in Italian)

Open calls

  • Economics Faculty - Double Degree Sapienza - HDWM - LM-77 Business Management -  Call for Applications [deadline 22.07.2024]
  • Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science - Double Degree Sapienza-UNIVERSIDAD DEL NORTE (Colombia) L-37 Cooperazione Internazionale e sviluppo Call for Applications [deadline 30.09.2024]
  • Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science - Double Degree Sapienza-ALEKSANDËR MOISIU UNIVERSITY, DURRËS (Albania) L-37 Cooperazione Internazionale e sviluppo Call for Applications [deadline30.09.2024]

Expired calls


Application and study plan

To access the double, multiple or joint degree programmes and therefore the corresponding mobility grants available, students have to apply for a call for applications. Calls for applications are issued at the faculty level during the academic year, depending on the agreements established with foreign universities and the period of mobility. The calls for applications are published and are available for consultation in the Open Calls section of this page or on the Transparent Administration website (in Italian).

To apply for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programmes, please click on the following link:

Each programme refers to the relevant double degree agreement signed with the partner universities, which regulates the study plan and recognises educational activities both at Sapienza and at the foreign universities involved. Students can read the study plan directly from the call.

Requirements, selection, ranking and awarding of scholarships

The selection process is carried out according to the criteria and in line with the general and specific requirements of each programme and set out in the call for applications.

As soon as the ranking list is published (Transparent Administration section in Italian), the committee sends the selection reports and the personal and contact details of the selected students to the International Office - Non-EU mobility and International Education Agreements Unit. It will also send the nominations to the partners according to the agreement's modalities and timing.

The Non-EU mobility and International Education Agreements Unit will then initiate all the procedures relating to the grant's award by contacting the student and sending all the information.


The available scholarships (number of places, months eligible for funding, terms and conditions) are indicated in the relevant calls for applications.

Starting from the 2020-21 academic year, the scholarship granted by the International Office - Non-EU mobility and International Education Agreements Unit is equal to 700€ net per month for the first five months of mobility. From the following month (6th), the amount is fixed at 500€ net per month, as per resolution no. 182/21 - May 27, 2021 of the Board of Governors.

The grant will correspond to the actual and continuous duration of the mobility, as attested by the arrival and departure certificates issued by the host university following the academic calendar and within the limits of the grant months allocated.

The mobility duration may not be less than three months (90 days) and not more than twelve months (2 consecutive semesters).

For more than three months, the total monthly contribution is recognised from the 16th day of the stay at the host university. The calculation of the days spent at the host university will be done automatically by the mobility management application, which will take into account each month's duration as having 30 days and not the calendar month.

Grants will not be awarded for mobility periods of 7, 8 and 9 months.

Here more details about the total amount corresponding to the period of stay:

Assigned months

Minimum stay

Total amount

3 months

90 days


4 months

3 months and16 days


5 months

4 months and 16 days


6 months

5 months and 16 days


10 months

9 months and 16 days


11 months

10 months and 16 days


12 months

11 months and 16 days



The scholarship may only be used once per study cycle and cannot be combined with other grants. The grant is paid in two or three instalments (depending on the duration of the mobility).

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD)

EMJMD Master's Degree courses are valuable opportunities funded by the European Commission and are offered jointly by international universities with study periods in at least two European countries and possibly one non-European country. The awarding of double or multiple degrees implies that, once the programme is over, students obtain both the degree from their university and other participating universities. On the other hand, a joint degree is a single degree recognised and validated by all the institutions that have promoted the joint study path.

For further information: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

EMJMD Course Catalogue

The list of active projects can be found on the specific website of the European Commission, section EMJMD Catalogue

List of Sapienza projects

Among the programmes granting double, multiple or joint degrees promoted by Sapienza, some projects have been selected as EMJMD degree programmes by the European Commission. The list is available here or in the "Downloads" section (in Italian).


The application for admission must be submitted directly to the Erasmus Mundus website. 


The Erasmus Mundus programme offers scholarships of approximately €1000 per month for European students and finances tuition fees.

For more information: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees FAQs

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @SapienzaStudyAbroad for updates and new opportunities!

[Italian section for academic and technical-administrative staff].

Negoziazione e stipula di accordi di titolo doppio, multiplo o congiunto

Come previsto dal Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo, le strutture didattiche possono attivare corsi di studio internazionali (con istituzioni di istruzione superiore riconosciute o accreditate nei paesi di origine) in linea con le strategie istituzionali di internazionalizzazione della didattica di Sapienza.

La negoziazione degli accordi di titolo doppio, multiplo o congiunto è in capo alle strutture didattiche. Il Manager didattico di Facoltà collabora con i Referenti per la didattica dei Dipartimenti e ne coordina l’attività amministrativa.

La competenza a stipulare l’accordo è della Rettrice, previa delibera del corso di studio, del relativo Dipartimento di afferenza e della competente Giunta di Facoltà.

La procedura di stipula dell’accordo deve avvenire entro le scadenze definite annualmente per la compilazione della scheda SUA-CdS e rese note dall’Area Offerta Formativa e Diritto allo Studio.

Le bozze degli accordi dovranno essere sottoposte all’esame dell’Area Offerta Formativa e Diritto allo Studio e dell’Area per l'Internazionalizzazione competenti per l’istruzione delle procedure di stipula da parte della Rettrice e dell’approvazione, se necessario, da parte del Senato Accademico e del Consiglio di Amministrazione.

A tal proposito si prega di consultare, nella sezione allegati, i seguenti documenti:

Internationalization of didactics and non-EU Mobility Unit

Head of Unit
Graziella Gaglione

T (+39) 06 4969 0423

Antonella Fabbricatore

T (+39) 06 4991 0206

Open to the public by appointment only

For information on educational and academic details of individual programmes and calls for proposals, please contact the academic promoters listed in the "Downloads" section.



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Edificio di Ortopedia
(CU016) terzo piano

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Roma

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