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Sapienza University’s Prison Campus

The Academic Senate established the Sapienza University's Prison Campus on November 4, 2021. The decision was made in implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Conferenza Nazionale dei Poli Universitari Penitenziari (National Conference on University Education in Prison-Italian acronym, CNUPP) together with the Department of Prison Administration (Italian acronym, Dap) of the Ministry of Justice. The two institutions provided the guidelines on the collaboration between the participating universities and penitentiary institutions.

The Sapienza University's Prison Campus (Italian acronym PUP-Sapienza) is an infrastructure of services designated to activities that guarantee the right to education and award university degrees (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, PhDs, first and second level Advanced Professional Courses and Specialisation Schools) to inmates and people with restrictions on their personal freedom.

Beneficiaries of PUP-Sapienza services

  • People who at the time of their enrollment at Sapienza University, or during their university career are in Lazio region and are subject to any restrictions on their personal freedom by provision of the judicial Authority, or are inmates, Italian and foreign, in prisons as well as accused and/or sentenced to community measures and sanctions.
  • All inmates and those who access community measures and sanctions have access to economic concessions, regardless their geographic location and specific detention regimes. 
  • Foreigners without a residence permit, as their presence in Italy for the execution of the sentence must be considered as a legal presence, and therefore entitles them to enrol at the University, if the period of detention is equal to or greater than the prescribed duration of the degree programme in which inmates intend to enrol.

Admission and permanence to PUP-Sapienza

The admission application must be presented to the PUP-Sapienza Student’s Office by the interested parties or their delegates. The admission to the degree programmes is regulated by the University Statute, University Regulations and in the Calls for Admission. For degree programmes that foresee an evaluation test, applicants can request an exception. 

The status of permanence at PUP-Sapienza is preserved:

  • by students who take at least one exam for each academic year, regardless the outcome 
  • by inmate students who have access to economic concessions during their university career

After the end of the sentence, students maintain the membership to PUP-Sapienza, for the purposes of concessions compatible with the state of freedom, until the end of the degree programme and in any case up to a maximum of 5 additional years.


October 19, 2021 – Launch of the l’Affettività e la Maternità Module (M.A.MA, in Italian)
M.A.MA was launched at the women's prison in Rebibbia, in the presence of the Senator for life Renzo Piano, the Magnificent Rector of Sapienza Antonella Polimeni, 
the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Orazio Carpenzano, the Director of the prison Alessia Rampazzi.
Read the news (in italian)

May 6, 2021 – Conference "La voce oltre le sbarre - I mille volti nelle carceri" (The voice beyond the bars -  Thousand faces in prisons)
The conference analysed the livability conditions of the penitentiary spaces, with a specific reflection on the condition of inmates and on the protection of fundamental rights within these places. Read the news (in italian)

May 7, 2021 - Seminar "Il diritto agli studi universitari in carcere: tre anni di esperienza della Cnupp e prospettive" (The right to university education in prison: three years of CNUP's experience and perspectives)
During the event, the most authoritative voices on the national scene presented the report of the work conducted by the universities participating in the National University Conference of Prison Centers. Read the news (in italian)

2019 Theatre workshop with ex-inmates and inmates in alternative measure actors and students at Sapienza University. 
Visit the History of Arts and Performing Art Department Website Visit the History of Arts and Performing Art Department Website













Academic Programmes and Education Welfare Area
Education Welfare Unit

Delegato della Rettrice per i rapporti con l’Amministrazione penitenziaria
Prof. Pasquale Bronzo

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