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Social Sustainability Report

Sapienza's Social Sustainability Report 2022 has been drafted according to the new guidelines issued by the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS). The document aims to illustrate the results of the 2022 activities with data, tables and information to represent Sapienza's social performance in relation to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

According to RUS, the document contains for the first time a short evaluation questionnaire aimed at improving the Social Sustainability Report.

The 2022 edition summarises and shares the work carried out during an intense year, marked by the full recovery of the various face-to-face activities, overcoming the restrictions imposed by the COVID pandemic, but still guaranteeing all the necessary safety precautions.

A recovery supported by the commitment of the entire Sapienza community, with shared decisions and actions, with the involvement, first and foremost, of our students, who once again filled the classrooms and animated the University. The students were at the centre of the actions and projects carried out during the year, both in terms of governance and administration, such as the inauguration of the new residence in the Regina Elena building.

To promote and implement Outreach and Fourth Mission actions, great attention has been paid to the community, external stakeholders, and citizens, achieving important results, among which the most relevant is the conclusion of the design competition for the new Humanities Library, which will unify all the libraries in the humanities fields in a modern, highly specialised structure.

Actions to promote and pursue sustainability are described in detail, with insights into issues such as commitment to the environment and initiatives for inclusion and equal opportunities. More generally, the alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda is analysed and presented in each chapter of the report, as a feature that permeates all of Sapienza's actions and programmes and is reflected in the three dimensions: social, environmental and economic.

2022 was also the year of the complete renewal of Sapienza's planning documents: the new Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and the new Integrated Plan of Activities and Organisation 2022-2024 were adopted. The first document, which outlines the guidelines for development and forms the basis for operational planning, incorporates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), showing an explicit correlation with the SDGs at the level of programme points, in awareness of the role the University plays in achieving the inclusive and sustainable development model proposed by the UN. The second document, which absorbs the content previously included in the performance plan, stems from the strategic plan, and it is here that the link to the Agenda 2030 SDGs is reported.

The year 2022 has brought to the fore certain issues that for too long have been considered remote: the climate emergency has exacerbated its effects and has also deeply affected various areas of our country, fuelling fear and insecurity, especially among the youngest and most vulnerable; the clashes of identities have turned into wars, dramatically involving neighbouring countries and claiming innocent victims; the effects of the economic crisis have further accentuated inequalities and injustices, often restricting access to fundamental rights for large sections of the population.

This harsh and emergent international framework calls for a concrete and systematic commitment to pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals and the priorities of the 2030 Agenda, summarised in the five Ps: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.

Until 2017 the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report was called Social Report because it did not include sustainability activities.

From 2016 to 2018 the document also integrated the Gender Report; since 2019 this document has been published independently.

For a presentation on the main data addressing didactic activities, research, structures and human resources see Sapienza Facts and Figures.

Social Sustainability Report 2022 (in Italian)

Evaluation questionnaire (in Italian)


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