Surveillance and Security Service
Surveillance and Security Service
The Surveillance and Security Service manages all related services at the main Sapienza University Campus and external locations, including:
- Operational and contractual relations with the service provider;
- Responds to requests, organises related services, schedules and measures;
- Supervises correct execution of service;
- Manages all surveillance systems (antitheft alarms, video-surveillance systems and fire alarm systems) and implements all emergency and university evacuation plans;
For all other safety issues and concerns, contact our 24-hour security service:
- Tel. 06.4969.4231
- Ext. 34231
Only for Emergencies, contact:
- 81.11.92
- 8108 (only landlines)
- 06.4969.4233 (mobile phones)
Armed Surveillance Service for the University and External Locations – Subcontract Communication, Service Quality Evaluation and Suggestions/Complaints – Circular N. 0079179, 01/12/2015
Organization and Development Area
Security Office
Office Manager
Sandro Mauceri
Staff Surveillance and Security Service
Serena Manicuti
T (+39) 06 4991 2349