eBRAIN-Health - Actionable Multilevel Health Data
ID Call: HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01 - Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods
Ruolo di Sapienza nel progetto: Other beneficiary
Responsabile scientifico per Sapienza: Claudio Babiloni
Dipartimento: Fisiologia e farmacologia "Vittorio Erspamer"
Data inizio progetto: 01/07/2022
Data fine progetto: 30/06/2026
Abstract del progetto:
The Project eBrain-Health will deliver a distributed research platform for modeling and simulating complex neurobiological phenomena of human brain function and dysfunction in a data protection compliant environment. It will provide thousands of multilevel virtual brains from patients and healthy human controls for research and innovation. Brain data from multiple sources will be pre-processed. Solving the societal grand challenge of dementia is a big task. Yet it appears feasible in a collective approach. Therefore, we will build an interdisciplinary digital twin for dementia for modeling and simulating complex phenomena at the service of research infrastructure communities. EBRAINS-Health-Cloud will offer end-to-end services for personalized complex brain modeling and simulations in distributed e-infrastructures with data protection by design and by default and simulation-ready human multiscale brain data that range from molecular (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) and cellular to electrophysiology and imaging to behavioural, clinical, life-style and environmental data as well as data from wearables.
Brain data are pre-processed and annotated such that they all relate to a common reference 3D brain space. EBRAINS-Health-Cloud constitutes a blend of three large-scale research programs: the FET Flagship Human Brain Project with its EBRAINS Research Infrastructure, the EOSC project Virtual Brain Cloud with its Virtual Research Environment for sensitive data and the H2020 project AI-MIND with intelligent tools for dementia risk estimation. The project will have synergies to topics of the Digital Europe Program, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and supercomputing and the Health Data Space. EBRAINS-Health-Cloud offers a next generation clinical research infrastructure and creates an open yet protected space for groundbreaking digital health innovation by the research infrastructure communities comprising academia and the private sector.