Progetti Horizon Europe Sapienza
I progetti di ricerca Sapienza finanziati dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del Programma Horizon Europe sono attualmente circa 112, per un importo complessivo pari a circa € 43.000.000,00, così suddivisi per Section o Cluster tematico di riferimento:
ERC - European Research Council
Acronimo | Titolo | Principal Investigator | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
Starting Grants | |||
ATENA | Autobiographical memory, time and environmental navigation: unveiling the cognitive map of our past through an integrated neuropsychological perspective | Maddalena Boccia | Psicologia |
CentroFun | Sequence-structure-function: uncovering how genetic variation at human centromere drives cellular phenotypes | Simona Giunta | Biologia e Biotecnologie |
HYQUAKE | Hydromechanical coupling in tectonic faults and the origin of aseismic slip, quasi-dynamic transients and earthquake rupture | Marco Scuderi | Scienze della Terra |
MOTHERS | MOdelling THe Evolution of the mother-infant RelationshipS | Alessia Nava | Scienze odontostomatologiche e maxillo facciali |
NANOWHYR | Dots-in-NANOWires by near-field illumination: novel single-photon sources for HYbRid quantum photonic circuits | Marta De Luca | Fisica |
TOHR | The Origins of Human Rhythm | Andrea Ravignani | Neuroscienze umane |
Advanced Grants | |||
IN-ROME | The INscribed city: urban structures and interaction in ROME | Silvia Orlandi (Co-beneficiary) | Scienze dell'Antichità |
ButterFly | Data-Driven Bioinspired Design of Fatigue Super-Resistant Structures: learning by Nature and Flying into the future | Filippo Berto | Ingegneria Chimica materiali ambiente |
Proof of Concept Grants | |||
NODRY | Designing green and energy-efficient anti-dewetting protocols for liquid chromatography | Alberto Giacomello | Ingegneria meccanica e Aerospaziale |
MULTIBRIDGE | Multimode Fiber Raman Amplifier for Unrepeatered Optical Communications | Stefan Wabnitz | Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni |
BRAINmade | Against prostheses abandonment: immersive and low-cost platform for the rehabilitation of upper-limb amputees | Viviana Betti | Psicologia |
DeepDive | Advanced ingestibles for probing the nexus between gastrointestinal functions and physical/mental well-being in animals and humans | Salvatore Maria Aglioti | Psicologia |
Consolidator Grant | |||
DANAE | Dark matter and neutrino experiment with monolithic arrays of cryogenic detectors | Marco Vignati | Fisica |
KiLiM | Kinetic Limits of Many-Body Classical Systems | Sergio Simonella | Matematica |
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Postdoctoral Fellowships | ||||
Acronimo | Titolo | Supervisor | Fellow | Dipartimento o Centro di Ricerca |
AA4MD | Algorithmic Auditing for Music Discoverability | Tiziana Catarci | Lorenzo Porcaro | Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale |
BEAMLOCKER | Beam self-cleaning for spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber lasers | Stefan Wabnitz | Yifan Sun | Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni |
COFAM | Community formation in active-matter systems | Sara Dal Cengio | Chiara Cammarota | Fisica |
DIGIMYTH | Digital Mythology and Arabic Literature: A Digital Archive to Study the Dynamics of the Reception of Greek Myths in Modern Arabic Literature | Marco Di Branco | Arturo Monaco | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
DITNO | Data is the new oil - a political history of the European computing industry | Giovanni Paoloni | Marta Musso | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
EARTH | Earthquakes And community Resilience Through Historical analysis | Lorenzo Nigro | Paolo Cimadomo | Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali- ISO |
EpiPolyPharma | Development of dual-targeting epigenetic modulators for polypharmacology-based cancer therapy | Antonello Mai | Francesco Fiorentino | Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco |
FISM | Fighting with a Smile: Satirical and Humourist Voices of Resilience from Hindi Speaking Subaltern Subjects and Communities | Giorgio Milanetti | Fabio Mangraviti | Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali- ISO |
Folie | Folly and the Feminine in the Renaissance | Gaetano Lettieri | Maria Fallica | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
ForM | FORGED MEMORIES: the Church of Late Antique Iran and the West. The Textual Construction of a Relation with the Western Church and State Through Hagiographies, Epistles, Documents (4th-5th century) | Alberto Camplani | Annunziata Di Rienzo | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
GAP | Gurdwara Architecture in the diasPora. Understanding the effects on (non-)Sikhs to build an inclusive urban environment | Alessandro Saggioro | Silvia Omenetto | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
HUMAN-CONSERVATION | Human dimensions of biodiversity conservation: Wildlife trade, COVID-19 and geopolitics | Moreno Di Marco | Hubert Cheung | Biologia e Biotecnologie |
INCH | Infant nutrition, cognition, and health | Francesca Bellagamba | Henriette Zeidler | Psciologia Dinamica, Clinica e Salute |
INCITE | International circulation of technicians. A prosopographical study about agents and scientists inside Unrra, Fao and Unesco (1943-1960) | Umberto Gentiloni Silveri | Chiara Pulvirenti | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
LATILMA | Latin American Testimonies in Italy: a Living Library Between the Mediterranean and the Andes | Stefano Tedeschi | Elena Ritondale | Studi europei, americani e inter-culturali |
MGELS | Machine-learning polymer Gel's ELasticity and Structure | Emanuela Zaccarelli | Susana Marin Aguilar | Fisica |
OPANDA | Opera Fandom in the Digital Age | Emanuele Senici | Nicolò Palazzetti | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
P4SPACE | Development of Perovskite Photovoltaics for Space Environment | Luigi Schirone | Narges Yaghoobi Nia | Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale |
PlANET | Plants in the ancient Near Eastern texts. A transdisciplinary analysis of the human-plant relations in Mesopotamia during the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian periods | Lorenzo Verderame | Gioele Zisa | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
POSTURE | Posture and bodily movements in the Bible and biblical religions | Alberto Camplani | Paola Mollo | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
RESOMFEM | Reconstructing social memory through Moroccan women's writing: female prison literature between the 1970's and the 2010's | Ada Barbaro | Ana Gonzalez Navarro | Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali- ISO |
ROMAVANTGARDE | The Musical Avant-garde in Rome in the 1960s: Actors and Networks in Music History | Emanuele Senici | Christophe Levaux | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
SETRU-2.0 | Stone sarcophagi of Etruria: renewing research in the digital era | Laura Maria Michetti | Daniel Morlenghem | Scienze dell'Antichità |
SHEAR | the role of Stress History on the EARthquake potential of faults | Cristiano Collettini | Carolina Giorgetti | Scienze della Terra |
TrAdE-Pic | Translate and Adapt an Erotic Story in the Age of Printing - The Vernacular Tradition of Piccolomini’s Historia de Duobus Amantibus. Study and Critical Editions of the French and Italian Prosimetra | Gioia Paradisi | Pauline Otzenberger | Studi europei, americani e inter-culturali |
TransIslam | Translating Islam. The European understanding of Islam and the influence of dragoman translations on the inter-religious dialogue between Christians and Muslims (1730-1750). | Alessandro Saggioro | Angela De Maria | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
UnderText | Understanding the Textual Development and the Literary Fortune of the Book of Jubilees through Ages, Languages and across Geographic Regions | Alessandro Bausi | Daniele Minisini | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
VarCrysDef | Variational coarse-graining of lattice energies for crystal defects: Applications to partial dislocations and stacking faults | Adriana Garroni | Annika Bach | Matematica |
Doctoral Networks |
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di Ricerca |
CombiDiag | Peripheral Biomarker Based Combinatorial Early Diagnostics for Dementia | Claudio Babiloni | Fisiologia e Farmacologia |
DATAHYKING | Data-driven simulation, uncertainty quantification and optimization for hyperbolic and kinetic models | Gabriella Puppo | Matematica |
EuPRAXIA-DN | EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network | Eugenio Del Re | Fisica |
IDPro | Intrinsically disordered proteins in health and disease: mechanisms, molecular context and opportunities for drug discovery | Stefano Gianni | Scienze Biochimiche |
QLUSTER | Quantum and Classical Ultrasoft Matter | Emanuela Zaccarelli | Fisica |
UPCYCLE | UPscaling deep conversion routes for hard-to-reCYCLE biogenic waste | Benedetta de Caprariis | Ingegneria, Chimica, Materiali, Ambiente |
Staff Exchanges | |||
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di Ricerca |
MAKINGHISTORIES | Integrating innovative theories and practices in historical culture and education | Giovanna Leone | Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale |
MSCA and Citizens | |||
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di Ricerca |
NET | ScieNcE Together | Paolo Pani | Fisica |
Research Infrastructures
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
eBRAIN-Health | eBRAIN-Health - Actionable Multilevel Health Data | Claudio Babiloni | Fisiologia e Farmacologia |
EuPRAXIA | EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase Project | Andrea Mostacci | Scienze di Base e Applicate per l'Ingegneria |
RISEnergy | Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy | Stefano Passerini | Chimica |
SoBigData RI PPP | SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project | Stefano Leonardi | Informatica |
Cluster 1 - Health
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
ARTEMIS | AcceleRating the Translation of virtual twins towards a pErsonalised Management of fatty lIver patients | Andrea Laghi | Scienze Medico - Chirurgiche e Medicina Traslazionale |
dAIbetes | Federated virtual twins for privacy-preserving personalised outcome prediction of type 2 diabetes treatment | Cosimo Durante | Medicina traslazionale e di precisione |
EBV-MS | Targeting Epstein-Barr Virus Infection for Treatment and Prevention of Multiple Sclerosis | Marco Salvetti | Neuroscienze, salute mentale e organi di senso |
GOLIAT | 5G expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgemenT | Francesca Apollonio | Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni |
Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
CONCILIARE | CONfidetly ChangIng coLonIAl heRitagE | Giovanna Leone | Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale |
META-MUSEUM | Moving Emotions towards confidence in the Transformative Appropriation for a Meaningful Understanding of cultural | Marco Iosa | Psicologia |
Re-Place | Reframing non-metropolitan left behind Places through mobility and alternative development | Barbara Staniscia | Studi europei, americani e inter-culturali |
RESTORY | Recovering Past Stories for the Future: A Synergistic Approach to Textual and Oral Heritage of Small Communities | Andrea Fara | Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo |
TEXTaiLES | TEXTile digitisAtIon tooLs and mEthodS for cultural heritage | Marco Galli | Scienze dell'Antichità |
TRIQUETRA | Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage | Salvatore Martino | Centro di ricerca previsione, prevenzione e controllo dei rischi geologici |
Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry, Space
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
6G-SENSES | SEamless integratioN of efficient 6G wireleSs tEchnologies for communication and Sensing | Salvatore Pontarelli | Informatica |
ALCYONE | Autonomous Living Cell analYsis ON-chip for Evaluation of space Environment Effects: low-power integrated lab-on-chip for the assessment of radiation damage on living systems in nanosatellite missions | Augusto Nascetti | Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale |
EPIQUE | European Photonic Quantum Computer | Fabio Sciarrino | Fisica |
EXCELLERAT P2 | European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications on HPC and associated technplogies | Sergio Pirozzoli | Ingegneria meccanica e Aerospaziale |
INTEND | Intent-based data operation in the computing continuum | Donatella Firmani | Scienze Statistiche |
QLASS | Quantum Glass-based Photonic Integrated Circuits | Fabio Sciarrino | Fisica |
SHIFT | Sustainable tecHnologies enablIng Future Telecommunication applications | Alessandro Trifiletti | Ingegneria dell'informazione, elettronica e telecomunicazioni |
Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
Academics4Rail | Building a community of railway scientific researchers and academia for ERJU and enabling a network of PhDs (academia teaming with industry) | Stefano Ricci | Ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale |
ACHIEVE | Advancing the Combustion of Hydrogen-AmmonIa blEnds for improVed Emissions and stability | Francesco Creta | Ingegneria meccanica e Aerospaziale |
AURORA | Accelerated deployment of integrated CCUS chains based on solvent capture technology | Sabina Bigi | Scienze della Terra |
COREU | CO2 ROUTES ACROSS EUROPE | Stanley Beaubien | Scienze della Terra |
HASTA | Hydrogen Aircraft Sloshing Tank Advancement | Francesco Mastroddi | Ingegneria meccanica e Aerospaziale |
MULTICARE | Multi-hazard low-carbon resilient technologies and multi-scale digital services for a future-proof, sustainable & user-centred built environment | Stefano Pamapanin | Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica |
RHINOCEROS | Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies | Pietro Altimari | Chimica |
SiGNE | Composite Silicon/Graphite Anodes with Ni-Rich Cathodes and Safe Ether based Electrolytes for High Capacity Li-ion Batteries | Sergio Brutti | Chimica |
Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agricolture and Environment
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
AgriLoop | AgriLoop: Pushing the frontier of circular agriculture by converting residues into novel economic, social and environmental opportunities | Marianna Villano | Chimica |
NaturaConnect | NaturaConnect - Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People | Michela Pacifici | Biologia e Biotecnologie |
NINFA | TakiNg actIoN to prevent and mitigate pollution oF groundwAter bodies | Marco Petitta | Scienze della Terra |
TRANS-Lighthouses | More than green - Lighthouses of transformative nature-based solutions for inclusive communities | Alessandra Capuano | Architettura e Progetto |
Widening participation and Spreading Excellence
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
IANUS | INspiring and ANchoring TrUst in Science | Francesca Comunello | Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale |
SURRI | Sustainable Remediation of Radionuclide Impacts on Land and Critical Materials Recovery | Marco Petrangeli Papini | Chimica |
ScienceUs | Integration of citizen SCIENCE best practices to Upscale and maximise projects impact related to Green Deal and EU missions | Giacinto Donvito | Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell'Architettura |
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di Ricerca |
ANSELMUS | Advanced Nuclear Safety Evaluation of Liquid Metal Using Systems | Fabio Giannetti | Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica ed Energetica |
ENEN2plus | Building European Nuclear Competence through continuous Advanced and Structured Education and Training Actions | Gianfranco Caruso | Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica ed Energetica |
EUROfusion | Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium | Gianfranco Caruso | Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica ed Energetica |
SASPAM-SA | Safety Analysis of SMR with PAssive Mitigation strategies - Severe Accident | Fabio Giannetti | Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica ed Energetica |
TITANS | Tritium Impact and Transfer in Advanced Nuclear reactorS | Alessandro Tassone | Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica ed Energetica |
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
LEGATO | Lomustine with or without reirradiation for first progression of glioblastoma: a pragmatic randomized phase III study | Giuseppe Minniti | Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e Neuroscienze |
MONALISA | MONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration solutions to combat desertification in Living labs for achieving Soil heAlth | Marcello Vitale | Biologia Ambientale |
PartArt4OW | Participatory Art for Society Engagement with Ocean and Water | Chiara Certomà | Metodi e modelli per l'economia, il territorio e la finanza |
EIC - European Innovation Council
Acronimo | Titolo | Responsabile scientifico | Dipartimento o Centro di ricerca |
AEGEUS | AEGEUS - A Novel EEG Ultrasound Device for Functional Brain Imaging and Neurostimulation | Laura Astolfi | Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale |
HEISINGBERG | Spatial Quantum Optical Annealer for Spin Hamiltonians | Claudio Conti | Fisica |
LaserBlood | Biophotonic Nanoparticle-enabled Laser Blood Test for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer | Giulio Caracciolo | Medicina molecolare |
Per richieste di informazioni è possibile contattare, relativamente ai progetti collaborativi sui cluster tematici, il Settore Grant Office programmi collaborativi internazionali e, per gli schemi di finanziamento ERC e le Azioni Marie Sklodowska-Curie, il Settore Grant Office programmi individuali internazionali - Area Supporto alla Ricerca
Settore Grant Office Programmi Collaborativi Internazionali
Capo Settore
Emanuele Gennuso
+39 06 4991 0188
Ilaria Anglani
+39 06 4991 0183 (int. 20183)
+39 06 49910373 (int. 20373)
Palazzina Tumminelli - CU007 - II Piano