EUROFUSION - Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium



Ruolo di Sapienza nel progetto: Affiliated entity

Responsabile scientifico per Sapienza: Gianfranco Caruso

Dipartimento: Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica



Data inizio progetto: 01/01/2021

Data fine progetto: 31/12/2026


Abstract del progetto:

EUROfusion’s updated Fusion Research Roadmap aims to acquire the necessary knowledge to start constructing a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO) five years after ITER is in full-power operation. The project has the goal of implementing the activities described in the Roadmap during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion Consortium, with the following high-level objectives: 1. Construct and commission ITER; 2. Secure the success of future ITER operation via preparation and experiments on present devices; 3. Develop the conceptual design of a DEMO fusion power plant; 4. Finalise the design and construct a fusion spectrum neutron source (IFMIF-DONES); 5. Advance the stellarator as an alternative approach to fusion power plants; 6. Prepare the ITER and DEMO generations of scientists, engineers and operators; 7. Promote innovation and European industry competitiveness in fusion technology and beyond. The ITER success remains an important overarching objective of the programme and much attention is devoted to ensure that a new generation of scientists and engineers is thoroughly educated and trained for its exploitation. DEMO is the only step between ITER and a commercial fusion power plant. To achieve the goal of fusion electricity demonstration in the early 2050-ies, the DEMO Conceptual Design has to be completed by 2030 at the latest, to allow the start of the Engineering Design Activities.

Sapienza, as an affiliated entity of ENEA, is strongly involved in several activities cooperating with the Fusion Technology team in looking at requirements that will lay the foundation for a robust conceptual design: Selecting the right breeding blanket. Blankets are the internal components of the reactor wall that absorb the energy from the fusion reaction, ensure the tritium breeding process and shield the components outside the reaction chamber from the fast neutrons. (WP-BB). Selecting the Balance of Plant and its pulsed operation (WP-BOP). Incorporating nuclear safety issues from the very beginning of conception (WP-SAE). Other activities are related to inertial fusion studies (WP-ENR), electric system analyses (WP-PES) and participation to the JET campaign (WP-TE). More than 10 professors and researchers contribute to the activities, with 6 research fellows and several PhD and Master Degree students, also benefiting resources from the Training and Education work package (WP-TRED).

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