Exemptions and Benefits

Sapienza's concrete actions to actively support equality and integration for our students

The benefit and exemptions on this page are for students enrolling in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

For scholarships, please click here.

For further information, please see Students Regulations.


You have the right to a full exemption if…

Your ISEE is less than 24.000 euro and meet the requisites

If you enrol in the first year of a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme and your ISEE Declaration does not exceed 24.000 euros, you do not pay to pay tuition fees. You can keep this benefit if you complete no less than 10 CFUs during your second year and 25 CFUs during the following years, by August 10, and do not end up "fuori corso."

See page

You have a certified disability 

According to Italian law 104/1992, art.3. if you have a certified disability or invalidity you only pay a 16 euro stamp duty and you are exempt from paying tuition fees for both the first year and the years following the first.


You have a certified SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities)

If you have a certified SLD you only pay a 16 euro stamp duty and you are exempt from paying tuition fees for both the first year and the years following the first.

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You only pay 30 euro if…

This is only valid if you do not have an exemption

If you are the recipient, or suitable for a LazioDisco grant

If you are the recipient - or have the requisites for the annual LazioDisco grants , you only have to pay 30 euro.

Further information: http://www.laziodisco.it/
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You receive the highest marks for your Bachelor's Degree or school-leaving diploma

If you completed your secondary education with 100/100 with honors in the school year immediately preceding the year of enrolment (applies to Italian maturità exam), you only pay 30 euro for the first year. You can keep this benefit if you achieve no less than 40 CFUs by August 10, 2020 with an average exam grade of 28/30 and no marks below 27. If you keep up the good work throughout your Bachelor's degree programme and graduate with 110/110 with honors and keep up the good grades, you can take advantage of this benefit also for your Master's degree programme.

If you graduated from High School with a mark between 99 and 95 you have a reduction of 300 euros on your fees as calculated with your ISEE declaration.

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Sapienza for Outstanding Students

You are accepted to the School for Advanced Sudies 

If you apply and are accepted to the School for Advanced Studies, you only have to pay 30 euro.

Sapienza School for Advanced Studies (Ssas) is the college of Sapienza where students, selected with a special call for applications, can stay in the residences provided by the University free of charge and follow additional interdisciplinary teaching programs, related to the subjects of their course of study.

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You have particular athletic merits

Sapienza University encourages the practice of sport and helps the athletes: students who are recognised particular national and international sports merits are exempt from paying tuition fees except for an annual contribution, regardless of the Isee value, equal to 30 euros. Students who pay this fixed amount are in any case required to pay stamp duty and regional tax.

In order to apply for exemption, students must apply via email to their Student Affairs Office using the institutional e-mail address and attaching the documents proving their "athlete" status and sporting merit. Following the joint opinion of the Rector's Delegate for Sport and the Student Affairs Office, the student will be notified about the outcome of the application.

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You benefit from a government scholarship

If you are the recipient of an Italian government grant (provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) or a foreign grant of at least nine months' duration, aimed at enrolling in university programmes, you are only required to pay an annual fixed fee of 30 euros.

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Belong to one of the categories defined by Bill N.118, Art. 30, May 30, 1971 

If you fall into one of these categories, you only have to pay 30 euro for the duration of your studies. You will have to present documentation to your Student Affairs Office.

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You are a care leaver 

You pay a fixed contribution of €30 if you do not live with your family of origin on the basis of a court order (care leavers project).

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You have reductions if …

Your ISEE is between 24.001 and 40.000 euros 

According to the law 232/2016, the DM234/2020 and further benefits provided by Sapienza if you have an Isee between 24,001 euro and 30,000 euro you will pay a reduced tuition fee.

You can take advantage of this benefit if:

  • - you enrol in 2023-24;
  • - you enrol in your second year and have achieved at least 10 cfu between 11 August last year and 10 August this year;
  • - you register for a course year after the second year and by the 1st “fuori corso” and you have achieved at least 25 cfu between 11 August last year and 10 August this year;

Sapienza provides benefits for students with Isee up to 40,000 euros that are in line with the parameters provided by Law 232/2016 and DM 234/2020. The system that generates the slip for tuition fees applies the most favourable method of calculation for the student.

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Have a "Maturità" Exam Grade between 95 and 99/100

If you have a “maturità” exam grade (Italian secondary school final exam) between 95 and 99 in 2022-2023, you can benefit from a reduction of 300 euros, regardless of your Isee. The reduction is distributed over all three instalments as follows: 300 euros are subtracted from the total amount of the tuition fees (First instalment, + second instalment + third instalment): 30% of the resulting fee is the amount of the first instalment, 35% is the amount of the second instalment, the remaining 35% is the amount of the third instalment.

Example: If the total annual tuition fee is 1000 euros, this is the following: 1000-300 = 700 => first instalment = 210 euros; second instalment = 245 euros; third instalment = 245 euros. If, on the other hand, you have taken 100 or 100 cum laude you pay a one-off contribution of only 30 euros and you can maintain the facility for the following years if you meet the requirements.

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You pass a high number of exams with good grades 

If you pass a certain number of exams with good grades, you could be entitled to a tuition fee reduction. Naturally, you will be competing against all other students on your degree programme. All exams taken since your first year count towards this grant. You can check to see if you qualify on your Infostud Page.

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You have siblings, parents or children enrolled at Sapienza

Parents, siblings and children must be enrolled in Sapienza and have the same address as yours and Isee. You and your family may qualify for a bonus, based on your grades, as described in the Student Regulations.
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Your child is under 3 years of age

The Bonus Genitorialità provides for a 50% reduction in tuition fees. It is intended for enrolled students who are also parents and have an ISEE of no more than €30,000.00 for the first three years of parenthood, starting from the year of birth or adoption of the child. 
If both parents are enrolled at Sapienza, the bonus may be awarded to only one. 
For further information, please read the Italian version of this section or the Regulations (currently being updated)

You enrol in a course of particular community interest

If you enroll in one of the Degree Programmes in the following classes, you will receive a partial refund, according to Ministerial Decree N. 976 of 29/12/2014 issued by the Ministry of the University.  Further details will be published on Sapienza website, on the page dedicated to Fees.

The degree programmes for which you can have facilitations are:

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You study part-time

If you choose to study part-time you will have a progressive reduction of fees up to the 40%.

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You participate in a Faculty Honours Programme 

If you pass the selection to access the Honours Programme proposed by your Faculty, at the end of the course you will have a prize equal to the amount of the contributions paid in the final year. The Honours Programme is aimed to students enrolled in a programme for worthy students and are interested in activities of study and cultural integration. The path of excellence consists of additional training activities and issues a final certificate.

The faculties that activate the paths of excellence issue special annual calls.

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You graduate before the deadline for the third instalment

If you graduate before the deadline for the third instalment of tuition fees, you only pay the first and second instalments.
Please note: the academic year ends on January 31.

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Scholarships -  Payment deadlines

Scholarships and Student Work Scholarship

Deadlines and Isee certification

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