Student Cards

Please note: only the digital Card can be activated, as described below

Digital Student Card on SapienzApp (new version avalaible now)

With SapienzApp, you can:

  • always have your student card at hand;
  • safely check your personal data any time;
  • have instant access to news and events for students organised by Sapienza.

Thanks to our Virtual Tour services, you can also explore Sapienza’s facilities, study rooms and lecture halls and organise your time on campus.

A new version of SapienzApp was released on May 9 2023, offering:

  • an easier and more direct way to access the available services;
  • a renewed graphic design consistent with Sapienza's visual identity system;
  • a more compelling user experience.

Read the News

Download it on: 

Asking for the identification procedure

1. Please, upload your ID card and a close-up photo (i.e. Passport photo) to Infostud through “Profilo>Persona Documents. Your ID card must be valid, clear, readable, front and back on a single PDF file. More details on "Photo requirements".

  • File name is very important: no accents or apostrophes. The only “special” character allowed is the “underscore” ( _ ) . The photo has to be a close-up (i.e Passport photo) as explained on Infostud.
  • To verify whether the uploaded ID card is readable and complete click on Profilo>Personal Documents>View, and, if needed, use “Add document” to upload the ID card once more. Uploading your Codice Fiscale (Italian fiscal code) is not mandatory for the identification procedure. However, it will be necessary for your graduation application so, if you want, you can type it in now;

2. Go to your Student Affairs Office and ask for identity recognition or call them via Skype ( contact details on each Student Affairs Office's webpage); during the call for the identification procedure you will be needing your ID card at hand (the same card you have uploaded to Infostud) and webcam and mic on.

Photo requirements 

Your photo must be unmarked and undamaged.
Framing and position
  • The background should be light and uniform, preferably grey, cream or light blue, or white.
  • You must be the only person shown in your photo; no other objects or people should be visible
  • The picture must show your head (in full) and the top of your shoulders so that the height of the head is between approximately 28mm (1.10 inches) and 32mm (1.25 inches). This ensures a well-centred photo that is neither too 'close' nor too far away. 
  • Do not tilt your head either sideways or up and down; artistic poses are not allowed (no turned faces, profiles, raised shoulders, etc.); the shot must be frontal, your gaze turned towards the lens.
  • The head must be vertically centred.
  • Your expression must be neutral (no smiles or strange expressions), your mouth must be closed and your eyes open and clearly visible.
Focus, colours, brightness and contrast
  • There should be no shadows either on the face or on the background, which should be uniformly lit.
  • The photo must be well focused, the contrast such that the features are clearly distinguishable. 
  • There should be no overexposure or underexposure effects. 
  • The depth of field should be such that both the front of your face (from the top of the head to the chin) and both sides (ear to ear) are distinctly shown.
  • Eyes should be clearly visible; no red-eye or closed-eye photos are allowed. 
  • Colours should be natural; no photos with colours different from the real ones are allowed. 
Eyeglasses, sunglasses and other accessories
  • You cannot wear a hat or head covering, except for those worn for religious reasons; even then, however, the face must be clearly shown. 
  • Your eyes or other parts of the face must not be covered by hair. 
  • You cannot wear tinted glasses; the lenses must be transparent so that the eyes are clearly visible.
  • Glasses frames must not cover your eyes.

List of Student Affairs Offices

Go to the page 

Go to the page 

Pharmacy: Biotechnologies
Go to the page 

Go to the page 

Industrial and Civil Engineering
Go to the page 

Information Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics 
Go to the page 

Literature and Philosophy 
Go to the page 

Medicine and Dentistry 
Go to the page 

Healthcare professions
Go to the page 

Psychology, Pedagogy, Educational Sciences 
Go to the page 

Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Go to the page 

Politcal Sciences, Sociology and Communication
Go to the page 

Latina - Polo Pontino
Go to the page 

What is the card and what is it for?

The student card allows students to

  • be officially identified as Sapienza students in order to take advantage of any agreement and/or promotion offered by the University or third parties;
  • access to services provided by Sapienza such as 24-hour study rooms.

For students enrolled at S.Andrea only, requesting a duplicate

To request a duplicate of your student badge, whether lost or demagnetised, you must go to the Educational Affairs Office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and present:

  • your badge and identity document, in case it is demagnetised; 
  • identity document and receipt of the last paid university fee in the event of loss.

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002